
Making a difference through advocacy

Easterseals PORT Health is dedicated to ensuring the rights of individuals with disabilities along with the resources and supports needed to thrive, are protected and expanded. We actively support state and federal legislation that helps people with disabilities achieve independence.

Easterseals PORT Health employee advocates for young girl client with artwork

Advocates for the Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination and exclusion based on disabilities in employment, public services, transportation, public accommodations, commercial facilities and telecommunications.

The ADA didn’t happen because of Congress alone.  The ADA happened because individuals, coalitions and organizations came together in a grassroots effort to educate, collaborate and take a stand.

Easterseals PORT Health has been active in public policy advocacy since the early 1940s. Still today, we continue to advocate for better access to healthcare, services, supports, employment, housing, community inclusion and the opportunity for personal choice.

We are developing a Constituent Action Network (CAN) with the goal of establishing a diverse network of advocates across North Carolina and Virginia who stand ready to use their voice to influence change. We are developing social media and print tools for advocating and will be providing training to those interested in learning how to advocate and use their voice to affect change. Easterseals PORT Health will leverage CAN in supporting state and federal legislation that impacts the rights and services of people with disabilities such as Medicaid Expansion, Direct Service Provider pay rates and Home and Community initiatives.

Connect with us for more information on advocacy

Laurie Nederveen, Director of Program Development

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