Outpatient Treatment

Treatment is available

Same day clinical appointments and services.

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We serve most counties across North Carolina.

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Outpatient treatment

In simple terms, outpatient treatment means you have an appointment with our clinicians that ends on the same day for mental health challenges and/or substance use disorders. Outpatient treatment can include individual therapy, family and/or group therapy, crisis intervention, psychiatric evaluations and ongoing medication management. It can be the next step in beginning a higher level of support or a step down after completing a higher level of care.

To get started, we conduct the appropriate evaluations and assessments to determine the most effective approach to providing the support needed. We meet people where they are and use evidence-based strategies for evaluation and treatment. Outpatient treatment can be provided in person or via telehealth. The different forms of outpatient treatment are:

  • Regularly scheduled appointments with a therapist or clinician.
  • Community (non-office) based services.
  • Intensive outpatient services that can last up to 5 hours, but still end in the same day.

Below are a list of outpatient treatments we provide: