Trenton, who lives with cerebral palsy, was dedicated and studied hard to meet his goal of graduating high school with the rest of his class. Due to the pandemic, this year’s graduation was a bit different than he anticipated but Trenton was able to receive his high school diploma in-person.
“You can do anything if you put your mind to it,” Trenton says. That’s exactly what this young man did. Thanks to years of support from Easterseals PORT Health Home and Community Engagement (HCE) services, Trenton received help with daily living skills such as dressing himself and doing homework.
His mother, Liz, Director of Easterseals PORT Health HCE, said, “I’m so very proud of Trenton. He worked so hard to get to this moment and I know he has a bright future.”
The next step on Trenton’s agenda is to attend a community college followed by studies at a seminary to become a pastor. “I’m so happy!” said Trenton.
Trenton’s graduation was surrounded by celebrations from family and friends. Watch the video about Trenton’s success.
About Easterseals PORT Health
Easterseals PORT Health North Carolina & Virginia is a trustworthy, compassionate partner providing exceptional disability and behavioral health services to help our neighbors live their best lives. Purpose, dedication and empathy drive our service delivery. Our diverse and inclusive 2,300 member team provides more than 9 million hours of meaningful support to 22,000 kids, adults and families in 11,000 home and community locations.